Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Dream Team Perform at Belmont

PNP MTB XC Round 4 dished up a dose of the usual results. BLRT all over the podium. BGA as a DNF. Are we surprised? No.

Tiger and Nick (Harry Potter) managed to turn on stirling performances smashing everyone. Harry Potter must have cast a spell over the cows, because even they couldn't get in his way. So despite mechanical problems Nick despatched of Senior Men (no surprises given he should be riding PE), Tiger, despite a puncture, managed 2nd in M1. Mr November, taking a break from his injury break, 3rd in M1. Slacky, got lost or something.

The dreamiest performance of all went to Davo, who made sure tiger had a tube for the race! It would have been a disaster without one.

Mono came in and annoyed the officials looking good on his roadie - awesome.

BGA spent lots of time dreaming, once he DNF'ed again. Soon enough all he will be doing is dreaming about the BLRT. Especially when he gets the good news from Tiger at the next PNP race.

Looking forward to the boys smashing everyone at the WW 12hour.

I did have one downer on the weekend though. The BLRT had promised to thank me on the Podium and forgot. Hopefully they make a special mention at Makara. I still dream about them

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  1. Minta DD, privilaged to apear in your Blog posting and we'll do our best to podium pimp you at Makara.
